Question about Workflow on Photos
(too old to reply)
2009-04-21 12:34:50 UTC
I Know that this is a very subjective question and everybody probably
does thing in their own way, but the more opinions the better.

1.) When working on a photo (Portrait) what is the order that you use
to make corrections or enhancements (Color, Brightness, Saturation, De
Noise, Sharpen, Resize etc...)

2.) When working on a photo (Landscape) what is the order that you use
to make corrections or enhancements (Color, Brightness, Saturation, De
Noise, Sharpen, Resize etc...)

3.) Do you use the same flow no matter what you work on

Thanks for any input you can give me
2009-04-21 15:30:13 UTC
I would suggest that if you want real control over what you do that you pony
up Adobe's extortionate fee for the real version of Photoshop.
I have Elements 7 on a laptop and it seems like crippleware to me compared
to my normal workflow in CS3/4.
The biggest advantage of PS is the ability to work directly and more easily
in adjustment layers and sublayers--once you get used to that flexibility
you will feel shackled when you try to work in Elements.
In any event most experienced PS/Elements users have a favorite bag of
tricks and will adjust their workflow depending on what they see when they
first open an image.
